Vendors North Carolina

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Vending Machine

Sales & Service

For Sales: Phone (919) 872-3210
For Machine Warranty Repair Service: Phone (919) 271-3367

Vendors North Carolina has been providing location services for our independent owner-operator customers in the Raleigh/Durham metro area since 1955.

  • We charge $200 per machine for locations with 50 or more Fulltime Equivalent employees.
  • We charge $50 for locations with less than 50 Fulltime Equivalent employees.
  • If at least one machine is purchased from us  - new or remanufactured - for a location we find, then the location fee is waived.

Questions?  Let us help. 

For Sales: Call (919) 872-3210 - For Machine Repair Service: Call (919) 271-3367

Home Vending Machines Bill Changers Financing Vending Programs

Hours of Operation:

10am to 4pm - Monday - Friday

© 1999 Vendors North Carolina