best value for
New & Factory Rebuilt Vending Machines
& Warranty Service |
Choose the
That's Right for You!
Use the
Cash flow Calculator
to see how easily
our machines pay for themselves.
This requires that you have Microsoft Excel
on your computer. |
UVend Technology
Patent-pending UVend makes the
high-touch surfaces of vending machines
safer by quickly killing or inactivating some of the most common
viruses and
bacteria, including influenza and the COVID-19 virus
Reliable Vending Machines and
Local Service you can depend on:
We're sure
you will find the
you're looking
for, but if you don't, please
contact us
and we will do our best to find what you need. |
North Carolina is here to help. We
have everything you need, from "Made
in the USA" vending machines for
cold/frozen food, and
Combo machines to
resources to help grow or start your
vending location/s. Shop comfortably with a 100%
satisfaction guarantee, backed by our manufacturers' proud
tradition of quality dating back to 1931. |
Federal Machine |
The Wittern Group |
Fawn Vendors, Inc. |
American Changer |
We stock
parts and do warranty service repair for the USA
manufacturers shown above. |