Vendors North Carolina

Bill Changers
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Click a model number below for a photo and complete specifications.
All prices shown here include freight to any Continental US destination.

Model Number Bill Acceptance Payout Options


AC250 None Token Dispenser w/Keypad.  Used by cashiers to sell tokens to their customers over the counter. $2640.00


AC250-CRR Token Dispenser- Card Reader Ready
Our "newest" Token Dispenser is designed to accept most "pulse" Card Readers to dispense tokens: Card System Ready Hopper Capacity: 4,000 Front Load design.... "Out of Service" light Multiple prog. Payouts Machine & Decal colors: Red or Black.  Uses #984 tokens.



$1, $5

Hopper loaded quarters or .984 tokens


AC1001 $1, $5, $10, $20 Hopper loaded quarters or tokens (20mm-30mm) $2840.00
AC1002 $1, $5, $10, $20 Hopper loaded quarters or tokens (20mm-30mm) $3430.00
AC2001 $1, $5, $10, $20 2 hoppers - any two coin payout or tokens (20mm-30mm) $3540.00
AC2002 $1, $5, $10, $20 2 hoppers - any two coin payout or tokens (20mm-30mm), Dual Validator $4935.00
Rear Load
$1, $5, $10, $20 2 hoppers, 2 Validators, 2 logic boards
Stainless Steel Face Plate
Front Load
$1, $5, $10, $20 Dispenses bills or token bills; Validator acceptance option for $50, $100 bills.  Exchanges currency for currency or token currency.  Will dispense "Street Grade" bills.  Bills do not have to be ATM quality. $7065.00
Front Load
$1, $5, $10, $20 Dispenses two different bills or token bills; Validator acceptance option available for $50, $100 bills.  Exchanges currency for currency or token currency.  Will dispense "Street Grade" bills.  Bills do NOT have to be ATM quality. $9145.00
AC6000 $1, $5, $10, $20

This high capacity, dual validator, floor model machine is very versatile and is well suited for any Vending, Amusement or Laundry application. This front load model is available with either a "Change" or "Tokens" front and can hold up to 20,000 coins.

AC7812 $1, $5, $10, $20 This front load multi-bill changer is designed to break larger bills into smaller bills of "two" denominations. It features a high security design, Pyramid validator and a 2-700 note cartridge dispenser. $9145.00
AC250 AC250-CCR AC500 AC1001 AC1002 AC2001 AC2002 AC2221 AC7712 AC6000 AC7812

CLICK HERE for more information or call the number shown below:
All prices shown above INCLUDE FREIGHT in the Continental US.

Questions?  For sales help...  Call - (919) 872-3210

For service & Warranty Service help... Call (919) 271-3367

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© 1999 Vendors North Carolina

Hours of Operation:

10am to 4pm - Monday - Friday